Watch TV Everywhere

Watch TV Everywhere

19 May 2020
Watch TV Everywhere

What is WatchTVEverywhere?

WatchTVEverywhere is how YOU can watch your subscribed TV package anywhere you have a stable Wi-Fi or data connection. WatchTVEverywhere gives you access to TV shows, movies, behind-the-scenes content, and more at no additional charge. Once you've registered, download apps from your favorite networks for your smartphone, tablet, computer, or smart TV and start watching.

Register For Free

To register you must go to and select Register from the upper right hand corner, and choose  Wabash Communications Co-Op as your TV provider from the drop down menu.

Enter Your Account Info

Now you must register your account, you must submit the Last Name on your most recent bill and your Account Number, both located on the second and third page of your bill in the upper right hand corner.



Create Your Online Account

Once entered you must create your online account. Enter all the information below and then selct submit.


Email Verification

Open your email that you used to create your online account and click the link sent to you by WatchTVEverywhere to activate your account.

Congratulations you're registered! You can now select which apps you would like to download.

Apps Available

The list available to you is dependent on the package you selected. Listed below is the Rockstar package.

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